
Anastasia Shavrova

Project Officer

I am a science communicator, researcher, and your friendly neighbourhood spider biologist. I love chatting about my research in spider behaviour and reproduction. You can easily distract me from my work with a cool insect or arachnid photo. 

Andrew Bullen

Media Officer

I am a science editor and publisher and in my spare time I enjoy soccer, cycle epics and fundraising for a cure for type-1 diabetes. I joined Pint of Science Australia to share some great science stories and experiences, and learn a bit, too!

Christopher Kerr

Christopher Kerr

IT Officer

I'm a software implementation engineer, homebrewer, beer judge, and science enthusiast. I'm endlessly curious and always keen to learn something new!

Emily Cameron

Emily Cameron

Festival Operations Manager

I'm a science communicator who is passionate about creating engaging experiences and fostering connections. With a diverse range of roles and experiences, I bring a unique perspective to my work.

Throughout my career, I have excelled in roles that require operational support, project management, …

Jane Sinclair

Project Officer

I’m a PhD candidate at The University of Queensland focusing on the long-term effects of viruses like SARS-CoV-2 on the heart. I am curious and love to learn about other areas of science too, and am excited to be a part of a team that can spread this enthusiasm for research!

Jessica Huang

Media Officer

I am a PhD student studying the 'eating' mechanisms of cells, a cat person and a video game enthusiast. I'm always excited to learn about the research going on in other areas of science, and keen to help bring these ideas to the public.

Josh Barnett

Josh Barnett

IT Officer

I have had a lifelong curiosity for science and was very happy to volunteer after attending the Festival previously. I am a consulting IT professional, and I studied Biotechnology in a previous life. I have volunteered with non-profit professional associations at a local and national level in event …

Katie Wykes

Media Officer

I am a PhD candidate, lover of science, communications, pets, indoor plants and the occasional pint of beer! Looking forward to improving my media skills and making this year’s festival the best it can be.

Kerry Chin

Kerry Chin

IT Officer

I’m a tourist attraction. On top of working full-time as an electrical engineer and running various Meetup groups, I am glad to have the opportunity to volunteer for Pint of Science because in principle I believe in the importance of promoting science.

Larissa Fedunik

Communications Officer

I'm a science writer and content producer with a background in engineering and renewable energy. I'm a long-time Pint fan, first-time volunteer and I'm very excited to join the video team!

Lisa Owens

Strategic Relationships Manager

I have always been passionate about STEM even as a child.  Graduating a chemical engineer, I have had a fortunate career managing innovative projects mainly in the food industry.  Many of these projects resulted from smart lateral thinking and to be able to promote continued research to challenge ex…

Luke Whiley

Festival Operations Project Officer

Luke is a Senior Lecturer and biomedical researcher at Murdoch University in Perth. Luke’s team research the reasons why some people may age healthily, whilst others experience cognitive decline and dementia. Outside of research Luke is a big sports fan and often running, cycling or playing cricket

Maleesha Ubhayarathna

Maleesha Ubhayarathna

Project Officer

My reckless curiosity for the unknown as led me to become a scientist. I would love to be a part of a team that brings science to the forefront in a fun and approachable way!

Margarette Williamson

Margarette Williamson

Project Officer

I am a communications intern and science student from Monash University with a background in microbiology and human pathology. I love sharing interesting facts about bacteria and diseases, and I believe science communication is key to getting people interested and excited about science.

Tyrone Humphries

Tyrone Humphries

Festival Operations Project Officer

I am a PhD Candidate with the Faculty of Medicine, UQ. I'm developing new Nuclear Magnetic Resonance techniques for the evaluation of kidney disease. I'm into rugby union, fishing and bbqing and love to chat about these and science over a pint of pale ale.

Sher Maine Tan

Sher Maine Tan

Project Officer

I am a Molecular Biologist who loves reading a book outside when its sunny and hitting the gym after work. Always on the look out for someone to share random scientific facts with and happy to learn more about the amazing research done in STEMM

Siobhan Peters

Project Officer

I’m currently doing my PhD in environmental chemistry but have a love for all areas of science. I’m always looking for new ways to learn more about… well, anything really! And bonus points if that learning can happen over a pint or two.

Stephi Bernard

Communications Officer

I am a PhD student at the University of Melbourne, looking for some of the first galaxies that formed in the Universe. Using the Hubble Space Telescope, we can look for these incredibly faint galaxies, and start to look at some of the properties of stars and galaxies in the early Universe.

Anna Chruscik

Festival Operations Project Officer

I am a lecturer, researcher, animal lover, and diehard nerd. I am very passionate about science and the absolutely amazing work that is being done locally and at a national level, and want to share this with anyone and everyone who will take a moment to listen. My main goal is to see the community e…

Mhairi Kerr

Mhairi Kerr

Strategy and Policy Project Officer

I'm a statistician in the field of pharmacoepidemiology. My passion lies in using data to tell a story and generate real-world evidence to guide informed decision-making processes.

Darren Rapsey

Darren Rapsey

Festival Operations Project Officer

I’m here because I want to help people to experience that feeling of awe and wonder when we discover something new and deeply impactful. I hope to convince people that science is accessible to them, well worth their attention and the very best way to understand the world around them.

Jimmy Harden

Jimmy Harden

IT Project Officer

Beer + Science? Genius!

I've been working in IT operations across a wide cross-section of organisations for over a decade. I hold qualifications in Creative Industries and IT, and have been involved in events management, managed a band and been a long-time musician.

Catriona Santilli

Catriona Santilli

Communications Project Officer

I love the stories that science can tells us about ourselves and I’ve just finished my studies in archaeology. I’m looking forward to using science communication to reach out and hopefully excite people about science as much as it does me! I’ve also trained in English and sometimes moonlight as an a…

Jack Foster

Jack Foster

Media Project Officer

It excites me that there is still so much that we don't know, and I make it my business to know, so I shall continue to ask question after question. When I'm not asking questions, you'll find me answering them at the Sydney Observatory or the Parkes Radio Telescope, Murriyang.

John Marquard

Strategic Relationships Officer

I'm a software engineer passionate about science communication and solving real-world problems. Excited to inspire the curious and and involve everyone in the latest scientific ideas! ????

Meaghann Pearce

Meaghann Pearce

Communications Project Officer

I am passionate about leveraging communications and content creation to unlock opportunities for organisations. With a background in diverse communication roles, I've honed versatile skills. I look forward to pairing my passion with my interest in STEM, advocating for equitable and accessible STEM e…

Rimjhim Agarwal

Rimjhim Agarwal

Festival Operations Project Officer

I am a passionate biologist. Experienced in commercializing technology innovations. I am committed to making a real-world impact through science and its translations. On side, I volunteer with science outreach program in QLD schools.

Elysia Sokolenko

Elysia Sokolenko

Festival Operations Project Officer

I am a neuroscience lecturer and researcher at the University of Adelaide. I am particularly interested in mental health. Beyond that, I'm all about aggressively hoppy IPAs, roller skating at the skate park, terrible reality TV, and my cat, Goose.

Helene Bois

Helene Bois

Festival Operations Project Officer

I'm Helene, a Scientific Communications and Events professional passionate about communication, facilitation, and events, especially for meaningful and impactful projects. I believe in the power of knowledge sharing to inspire positive change and raise awareness!

Robert Barwell

Robert Barwell

Festival Operations Project Officer

I now work in animal health and biosecurity projects but originally trained as a veterinarian. I've spent years listening to science podcasts and wanted to help bring the amazing things happening in science to a broader audience. When not working, I am usually running or enjoying a good pale ale.